From: Gregory Gee (
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 11:15:54 PST
I seem to be having a problem with my Newton2K starting up Notepad
spontaneously. When I first got the Newton, I downloaded a package
called StarChart. It was great. I had some problems starting because
I did not have enough memory available. Then I installed Avi's
Backdrop. I could start Starchart without any problems. Today
I decided to run Starchart again and am getting really odd behaviour.
1. Starchart takes quite a bit longer to start.
2. After it starts, notepad suddenly starts.
3. I try to close Notepad, which takes a while, then notepad opens
back up again.
Does anyone have any clues what might be causing this? Not sure if
it related, but the heap counter seems to drop 1K every few seconds
until garbage collection occurs. Not sure if that is normal to drop
that quickly.
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