Date: Thu Mar 27 2003 - 13:39:53 PST
A few ideas I wanted to toss out there to some of the great Newt Developers
out there:
Has anyone considered porting "Spaceward Ho" to Newton? It would be a
FABULOUS game to have on Newton, and looks like it could be easy to port.
Obviously, we might have to change the game somewhat to avoid infringement,
or get licensing rights. for
What about a tank/infantry tactical strategy game? Another "I wish" for
Newton. Sort of like Ogre/G.E.V. on Newton (anyone ever play those from
Steve Jackson Games?) I remember "The Perfect General" as a close analogue
from the early 90s, but it ran on a PC in DOS. The game is still out there Newton would benefit from a
cool turn based armor /in infantry tactics game
My last suggestion for a cool game is a port of Nethack for Newton. I have
NewtHack, but the graphics in it ruin the true spirit of Nethack. There
are something like 8 different "Rogue like" games for the Palm, but not ONE
for Newton! It's open source, so would it be that hard?
Long live the green!
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