From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Sat Mar 29 2003 - 20:12:53 PST
on 30/03/03 09:24, Andre Garzia at wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> i do not have a newt but i find the newton and newtonscript fascinating=20=
> and i wanted to fiddle with the Newton Toolkit, does anyone know if i=20
> can launch it in MacOS X Classic mode or if it at least run in MacOS=20
> 9.2.2?
> i just pops an unknow error and shut down...
It runs under Classic or 9.2.2 for that matter. The problem that you're
running into is that Newton Toolkit expects a serial port to be available,
even if you can configure it to use AppleTalk. Since you mention Mac OS X, I
take it that you're using a fairly recent Mac that lacks any serial port.
So, you need something that will tell NTK that there is a serial port and it
will make it happy. I use TCPSerial, which is an extension that can use
TCP/IP to send serial. Once you installed, it, just restart Classic. Then,
open NTK and it shouldn't complain. You will then have to select 'AppleTalk'
in NTK preferences. That means that you need a Newton that can use an
Ethernet card.
I think you can also use a serial-to-USB adapter, like the one made by
Keyspan. I'm guessing that Paul Guyot must use some kind of those adapters
since he's doing low level debugging that works only over a serial port of
some sort.
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software fix n.,v.: What one does when a problem has been reported too many times to be ignored. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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