From: John Ruschmeyer (
Date: Mon Mar 31 2003 - 18:15:26 PST
> From: Ben Klang
> Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 11:50 AM
> Subject: [NTLK] [OT] X-10/CM11A (Was: Soybo usage already...)
> > But it would be cool to control the apartment with my Mac. BTW, what
> > exactly is a "CM-11A-compatible controller"?
> The CM11A is a product released by X-10 Home Automation (,
> It plugs into the wall outlet and connects via a
> serial port to allow a computer (PC [Win/Lin] and Mac) to control
> various electronic devices, like light switches.
> The system is rather old. I have a kit from the mid 90's, and a friend
> of mine has X-10 stuff that looks even older (his house was built in
> 1983 and I think that the entire house was X-10ized when it was built).
The CM-11A dates from around 1997 and is still the top-end consumer
controller. (There are some more sophisticated ones, but they tend to be
niche/specialty products.
It replaced the earlier CP-290A which was little more than a
computer-programmable timer.
X-10 also sells something called the "Firecracker" (sorry, forgot the
number) which is a serial-port dongle containing the radio portion of one of
their wireless controllers.
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