From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 08:46:31 PDT
Il me semble que le 5/5/03 à 11:11 -0400, Laurent Daudelin nous racontait:
>Anybody got the latest Escale 1.0.1, besides Paul and the 2 other people, to
>work at installing packages over AppleTalk? I'm able to connect, I get the
>reduced dock on my 2100, but whenever I try to install a package, the
>installation seems to start but the Newton just seems to hang.
I don't use AppleTalk because it's incompatible with the Airport
Extreme base station unless I run fsck on my Mac (yeah, I know, it
sounds weird)
>Anybody else?
Anyone got it working with AppleTalk?
Maybe I broke something.
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