Re: [NTLK] [OT] Creation of an off topic list?

From: Eric Strobel (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 12:04:30 PDT

on 5/9/03 2:09 PM, Martin Joseph at wrote:

> On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 09:29 AM, Eric Schneck wrote:
> I am strongly in favor of world peace.
> Marty

Visualize whirled peas!

- Eric

Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^
The odds are greatly against you being immensely smarter than everyone
else in the field. If your analysis says your terminal velocity is
twice the speed of light, you may have invented warp drive, but the
chances are a lot better that you've screwed up.
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