From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 08:19:11 PDT
Il me semble que le 12/5/03 à 01:48 +0200, Frank Gruendel nous racontait:
>I need some help with some slots returned by the Gestalt call.
>a) manufacturer, machinetype, ROMStage, ROMVersion
>Is there any documentation that allows to find out
>the real values symbolized by the number returned? All I get
>is integers...
Some of this is defined in NewtonGestalt.h
For example:
#define kGestalt_Manufacturer_Apple 0x01000000
#define kGestalt_Manufacturer_Sharp 0x10000100
#define kGestalt_MachineType_MessagePad 0x10001000
#define kGestalt_MachineType_Lindy 0x00726377
#define kGestalt_MachineType_Bic 0x10002000
I vaguely recall asking around and completing this list with new values.
For ROM Stage and ROM Version, I don't recall exactly. Wouldn't be
ROM Version the patch version (e.g. 710031) and ROM Stage the patch
level (e.g. 1)?
I don't have my Newton with me to figure out what it says.
>b) tabletresolutionx, tabletresolutiony
>It's 800 on the Newton 2100, but what does this value mean?
I think it's the pen resolution. The inker can be configured in high
density mode (800 dpis) and low density mode (like the MP1x0s?).
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