Re: [NTLK] ATA support on the eMate

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 18:05:03 PDT

Il me semble que le 13/5/03 à 15:50 -0700, Brian Mayton nous racontait:
>Yeah, they're SD cards. One is a Lexar 64 MB card, and the other is a
>Palm 16 MB card. The Macally adpater card must do some kind of active
>conversion to the normal ATA protocol. Disk Utility on my PowerBook
>indicates that the card is ATA, so there must be some conversion going

Maybe it's my adapter in that case. The card didn't work witn 10.2.1
but worked at some point with MacOS X. I never got it working in my

>Will setting the sleep time to never make it so the card never powers
>off, even when the Newton is asleep? Or will the card still shut off
>with the Newton?

It will shut off with the Newton of course.

>Conclusion: Once the card goes to sleep, it cannot be awakened without
>a crash.

I'm not sure about the conclusion. The 5 seconds timing is when the
Newton and the card are on. If the Newton is off, no ATA Support code
is executed. In fact, the processor is halted and woken if a timing
occurs to wake it up (for example there is a pending alarm).

Still, I will look into problems that might occur when the card is
waken up. The problem is that when the Newton is powered off, I
cannot plug the low-level debugger. And if the low-level debugger is
plugged, it won't let the Newton goes off.

Maybe you can do the following test.
Keep the sleep setting to 5 seconds. Insert the card. Wait until it
goes off (in ATA Support/card infos, you have the power state of the
card). Then do something like opening the extras drawer, the card
goes on and power off the eMate. If you power it on, I think it won't
crash. Could you please confirm this?


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