[NTLK] New book

From: Ed Kummel (tech_ed_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 15:19:18 PDT

Hey everyone.
I just got through compiling a new Newton book (for
the 2x00 Newts)
You can get it at:

Basically, as the file name suggests, this is a
compilation of the FAA FAR and Security regulations
(section 108.1 to 108.33). Every traveling Newt should
have a copy of this book with them. It covers topics
involving searches, x-ray and hijacking.

This is the latest itteration of this document so it's
pretty up-to-date.

web/gadget guru
http://newton.tek-ed.com (download Newton packages)
http://npds.tek-ed.com (my NPDS server and it's new subdomain)

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