[NTLK] lazy and a newbie connecting G4 to 2100

From: mjoslin_at_dial.pipex.com
Date: Fri Nov 07 2003 - 14:24:58 PST

Is there anything worse than a proud owner of a G4 laptalk and a very recent 
2100 Newton owner who asks the same boring message with no real clues??
I would however be very pleased to recieve some directions to the solution of 
getting a 2100 talking through ethernet to a G4 powerbook running Panther
I have a crossover cable and a 3Com 3CXE589EC  ethernet card and have set up as 
far as possible following various articles Apple talk/ethernet etc.
I think I have most of the software loaded onto the Newton (as it came from the 
supplier) but not sure of how to proceed as I am not able to load any more 
until this problem is solved.
Please forgive this lame approach but any directions will be gratefully 
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