From: Tony Crooks (
Date: Sun Nov 09 2003 - 04:25:57 PST
This is the considered(!) thoughts of John Dvorak, that remnowned Apple
"Rocky and Bullwinkle Dept.: If you've been following Apple, you know that
every so often the company pulls a rabbit out of its hat. The missing
element in Apple's portfolio is the handheld computer. John Scully was a big
promoter of the idea, and founder Steve Jobs is still galled that Scully
came up with anything at all. It was dropped. The Newton was never a
handheld anyway‹too big. Now that the category is wavering and tablet
computers are appearing, look for Apple to jump back in. There's good reason
to believe that a jazzy new Newton II will be forthcoming, perhaps in
January. I also suspect a convertible laptop. Maybe Apple would call it the
Granny Smith."
-- Tony Crooks Home tel. no: +44(0)1323460789 Fax no: +44(0)1323460789 <mailto: 'Tony Crooks',> ICQ# 173795095 AIM tcrooks43 53 Mendip Avenue EASTBOURNE East Sussex BN23 8HP -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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