From: Woody Smith (
Date: Sat Nov 22 2003 - 19:24:50 PST
I think Mr. PCBman was investigating a replacement, but I haven't heard
whether he has had success yet. I suspect that if a replacement ribbon
were available that you could sell them. You can find directions for
repair at
Good luck
On Saturday, November 22, 2003, at 09:04 PM, Tyler Smith wrote:
> The screen flex-cable in my eMate has been eaten by the clutch spring
> bug (the day after I bought it! :-( ), and I'm working on repairing
> it. The Newton himself is disassembled all over my kitchen table, and
> I'm planning on trying to repair the cable tonight at work, but I'm
> not counting on my ability to do the tricky work, which is where this
> message comes from...
> I'm looking into finding a PCB fabber who could whip up some "new"
> cloned eMate screen flexcables, since there doesn't seem to be a
> source of replacements at present.
> -Tyler Smith (First Post!)
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