From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 06:50:47 PST
> Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 10:34:03 +0100
> From: Paul Guyot <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton books specification
> Aux environs du 23/11/03 à 15:10 +0800, sous le titre "[NTLK] Newton
> books specification", Ken Tang prit sa plus belle plume pour écrire
> les mots suivants:
>> I found that NewtonBooks is good format for storing up useful
>> articles. Is there any program that can convert the web pages (on
>> PC) into Newton books (like slower on Palm)?
> Newtscape does this.
(Newt's Cape creates books from HTML on Newton; it is possible (though
somewhat complicated) to you xfer web pages from PC to Newton)
>> if not, where can I find the specification of NewtonBooks?
> There is no published specification for NewtonBooks. However, the
> format could be more or less guessed looking at BookMaker output and
> book packages (with ViewFrames).
Reverse engineering the book format is certainly an option -- depends a
lot on how much time one has to figure out all the details (and there
are still a few I never could quite figure out for Newt's Cape). and
then of course there's the Newton package format, which is documented
but complicated (I had also reverse engineered that (NewtPack) before
Apple finally published the specs). Ken - if you do pursue this,
there's some Java source for creating Newton packages that's part of
the Waba development (Warp/Exegen) stuff
( -- not
completely from scratch but adding to/modifying a template pkg.
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