From: Larry Zasitko (
Date: Tue Nov 25 2003 - 05:53:29 PST
Hi all,
I emailed Peter and the following is what he sent me about connecting and
transferring data from Relations to the desktop (Mac).
Larry Zasitko
OMP, 110, 120, 2100 + Emate
Q.> I'm trying to connect the Relations Utility with my terminal program
on the Mac and I keep getting error -20006. What is this error?
The error means that the Newton side has tried to connect a certain
number of times without success. It is probably because both sides are
not set properly to use MNP error correction. The default settings on
Newton should work with the original settings in the ClarisWorks comms
setting file that was with Relations. If you use a different terminal
program just make sure the settings are like the ones below. You may
to change the port that is used. Here are the settings for both sides.
On the Newton side->
Serial port: RS422 (Port A)
Type: Serial MNP
Speed: 38400
Hardware flow control should be checked
On the ClarisTemplate->
The template name is: ClarisWorks Settings MNP
From the Settings menu choose Connection...
Method: Apple Modem Tool
Modem options: Newton Serial Connection
Error Correction: Required
Correction Type: Software MNP
Baud: 38400
Parity, Data bits and stop bits should be greyed out
Handshake: DTR & CTS
Select the port your cable is plugged into.
Note: if Newton Serial Connection is not available as a Modem option you
need to get a different version of the Apple Modem Tool. The one that
ships with the Newton Connection Utilities should work.
From the Settings menu choose Terminal..., Select the TTY tool.
From the Settings menu choose File Transfer..., Select the Text tool.
Now be sure the cable is a good cable that supports hardware
(The ones that came with the Newton MP are good.)
Q.> How do I make a connection?
Start both programs.
On the Mac, choose Wait for connection... from the Session menu.
Tap on the connect button on the MP.
That should do it.
Q.> What is a "text capture"?
Text capture is an option on the Session menu in ClarisWorks. It is a
to save to a file all characters that appear on the screen during a
communications session. You start that just before you start the
from the Newton. Turn it off when the transfer is done. The resulting
file is a GEDCOM file that can be used as is. (unless you got any extra
lines at the beginning of the text capture.)
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