From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Oct 06 2003 - 21:35:17 PDT
Aux environs du 6/10/03 à 20:36 -0500, sous le titre "[NTLK] Newton
Date limitation", prit sa plus belle plume pour
écrire les mots suivants:
>I've asked this question a few times, and always get directed to the
>'61 fix. I've never figured out how this relates to the question. Can
>someone please explain this to me, either on the list or private?
>The question? The Newton allegedely can't go beyond the year 2010 with
>it's dates (or can it?). Has there been a patch/fix/correction to this
>to let us take the Newts past this date?
>Am I making any sense?
Both yes and no ;)
Actually, the Newton can go beyond 2010. However, some function is
stupidly limited to 2010. Avi wrote a patch, Woody gave you the URL.
We've got time to think about it. Your Newton won't cease to boot.
All your alarms will continue to work. Most software will not be
Plus 2010 doesn't sound like a millenium, so there's no need to link
this with millenium beliefs like some ET civilization will come, this
would be end of the world or anything that made the Y2K bug be what
it was.
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