Re: [NTLK] Laser-guided typing! (Was: Re: [OT] reverse technology)

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 12:31:32 PDT

But it's still a keyboard...using "technology" that is
almost 300 years old!
Anyone who thinks that a future computing device needs
a keyboard entry system, also believes that all future
automobiles need gasoline!
When are we going to be able to "jack-in" and
communicate with computing devices in a way that is
not restricted by the physicallity of opening and
closing over a hundred different switches in a
complicated pattern just to generate words that
express ideas?
The other day I was walking down the sidewalk and saw
some children writing on the sidewalk with sidewalk
chalk. One child was writing these cryptic characters
and convincing the other child that this is real
writing! The second child challenged the first and
they got into a shouting match. When I got closer, I
noticed that the characters vaguely resembled Grafitti
characters. When I got close enough, I asked the first
child where he learned these, and he said he watches
his dad using his handheld computer and his dad showed
him the "alphabet".
I could only shake my head and walk away wondering if
that kid will ever make it out of the second grade...
web/gadget guru

--- DJ Vollkasko <> wrote:
> And it get's even wilder, folks! How about a
> laser-guided virtual keyboard?
> Check the Canesta Keyboard
> (best
> looking solution of the bunch), The Virtual Keyboard
> or VKB's virtual
> keyboard
> from Jerusalem (brightest
> keyboard, clumsy looking
> hardware).
> Not so hot, because external HW is required: Kitty
> ( - run
> around looking like the
> borg? No way!) and Swedish entry Senseboard
> (
> The Senseboard HW might be tuned with weights to
> give you a better workout
> (remember B. Sterling's Heavy Weather?). ;=}
> Match any of these ready for market devices with
> that holographic display,
> make it portable, and the future is now!
> Cheers,
> DJV.

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     -Robert Heinlein, Revolt in 2100

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