Re: [NTLK] MoreInfo Licensing

From: Tony Kan (
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 13:30:37 PDT

Keep at it, because they were very helpful to me when I lost my registration
Information and they resent the password. They were pretty responsive to
me, but that was about six months or more ago.

PO Box 33-200
106 Panorama Rd
New Zealand
Ph +64-274-339-745
Fax +64-3-326-7712


So when I bought my Newton I got a copy of MoreInfo with it. At the
time I didn't care about it so when the guy told me I could have the
registration changed over for like $50 I said don't bother. Now ...
well, now is a different story. I really, really, like MoreInfo. I used
ActionNames for a couple weeks and liked that but I kept running into
what seemed to be bugs where I could not go back and edit certain
things and I started getting errors. So I downloaded MoreInfo and have
been very pleased.

I wrote Silverware about 3 weeks ago asking about the discount for
NewtonTalk members and if that was still available. I never heard
anything back so today I e-mailed again asking about the discount and
about what it would cost to transfer the license from the old copy I
have to me.

Anyone have any tips on getting a reply from them, my MoreInfo demo
runs out in a week and well, I don't really want to lose it.


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