From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 13:37:22 PDT
I don't connect my Newt to my PC, but I've heard
(read) that you will probably need to run more than
one instance of slowdown.exe
There's alot of talk about this in the archives, but I
suspect that if you have a machine that is 800Mhz or
faster, at least two instances of slowdown with
sliders almost all the way over will do it for you.
As for talking between your Mac and your Newt? Well,
you'ld be best served if you use some kind of Hub or
Switch (I recommend a switch because it does
full-duplex whereas a hub is only half-duplex). But if
funds are tight (you can't afford a $14 hub) you can
use a "Cross-over" ethernet cable. Usually these
cables are red in color and the output at one end is
routed to the input of the other end and vice versa.
These cables can usually be had at local computer
stores for like $5, or you can make one yourself...not
for the faint of heart!
web/gadget guru (download Newton packages) (my NPDS server and it's new
--- Melvin Lasky <> wrote:
> Hey all, I just got my newton back and I have a few
> questions! By the
> way, Frank G. is one of the best people I have ever
> dealt with. If you
> ever need to do any business with him, he is truly
> an honorable man! He
> fixed my Newton, and it came back perfect. Thank you
> again!
> 1. When trying to sync with a windows machine and a
> serial cable, it
> always connection error? I tried to use slowdown,
> and it helped a
> little but still have trouble using the backup
> option in NCU. Any
> suggestions on how to back up via serial?
> 2. Do you need a router when connecting your newton
> to your powerbook?
> Because I can't seem to get it connected when they
> are plugged directly
> into each other. I tried Escale and it doesn't work
> either with the
> router or directly plugged in? I have a 3com card
> that works fine, im
> able to use newthopper and simple mail and
> eveything. Any suggestion or
> websites for help with connecting my Powerbook 12"
> G4 to my Newton via
> ethernet? I also tried NewtSync and that program
> works perfect via
> router, but it doesn't install packages. Any
> suggestions? I also tried
> delivery, that doesnt work either.
> Thanks for all your help.
> Mel
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