From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Fri Sep 05 2003 - 09:48:28 PDT
On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 09:14 AM, Ed Kummel wrote:
> eeek! I'm not brave enough to pull the pin out
> completly...although I suspect that you are correct in
> that the slot doesn't need that particular pin (there
> seems to be multiple pins that supply ground to the
> slot)
> I'm going to attempt to push the pin back into the
> slot and solder it to the neighboring pin which also
> supplies ground. I'll then use fingernail polish and
> cover these bare pads to prevent any future shorts.
> If it doesn't work, I may pull the pin and hope
> nothing blows up...
It sort of look like you could put something (solder something?) to the
back square edge which comes up from the board, that would butt against
the interior of the case...
This would relieve the strain of inserting cards.
Good luck.
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