From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 22:32:05 PDT
on 22/09/03 23:22, Eric L. Strobel at wrote:
> somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 9/22/03 7:27 PM, the entity known
> as Peter Cameron transmitted the following from
>> on 9/22/03 6:11 PM, Andrei Chichak at wrote:
>>> I'm not arguing, but I reiterate:
>>>> If you fail to
>>>> protect your copyrights, you give up your copyrights. This is not an
>>>> opinion, this is copyright law.
>> So, if you have deep pockets or feel your competition won't take you
>> court, you're saying it's fine to steal other people's ideas?
>> David spent a lot of time and effort to come up with the SER-001. He
>> sold it to the Newton community at a price that probably barely covered his
>> production costs and certainly didn't come close to compensating him for the
>> R&D time required.
>> Ferdi in his email to David said his was a 'home brew' of David's
>> design. Fine if you're making one for personal use I suppose. But I see
>> selling them to others as a violation of David's intellectual copyright,
>> unless he has a deal with David to pay a royalty for each copy sold.
>> Sure, David could get a lawyer, but it would probably cost him more for
>> the consultation than he could even hope to make from another couple of
>> production runs. The community (market) is small and innovators like David
>> should be supported.
>> Peter
> Ah, but it would cost Ferdi at least as much to defend it. AND... Wouldn't
> Ferdi have to pay the costs when (not if!) he's found guilty? Of course,
> GETTING him to pay is another thing...
Another thing I'm thinking: does it make any difference if we're talking of
different countries? AFAIR, Ferdi is in Canada, while Mr. PCBMan is in the
US. Wouldn't that make things slightly more complicated? Which laws would
-- ============================================================================ Laurent Daudelin AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin <> Logiciels Nemesys Software FUBAR n.: The Failed UniBus Address Register in a VAX. A good example of how jargon can occasionally be snuck past the suits; see foobar, and foo for a fuller etymology. -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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