Re: [NTLK] AddressSyncPlus 0.3

From: Peter Jaros (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 18:35:22 PDT

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:54 AM, Nowhere Man wrote:

> I've just posted the latest version of AddressSyncPlus for NewtSync.
> This release contains two major new features. One of which independent
> tracking of the "last sync date" this allows the plugin to be reset
> independently of other plugins (with the basic nSync setup, to reset
> one plugin is to reset them all). This version also introduces the
> ability to sync multiple Newtons. The plugin recognizes Newtons based
> on their Owner's name, so be sure each Newton has a distinct Owner name
> so the plugin can tell them apart.

One plugin to reset them all, one plugin to...

Oh, sorry. Was that out loud?



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	Since I found Serenity
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