Re: [NTLK] Refurbished 130s

From: Jim Siburt (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 08:18:15 PDT

On Thursday, September 25, 2003, at 10:54 AM, Diane wrote:

> With all this talk about buying $29 130s, I just wanted to say that a
> while back Claus (aka Chunky) offered some 2100s and accessories. I got
> in touch with him and it turns out that he had several. I bought a 2100
> from him for $30 and it arrived in pristine condition, cover, excellent
> screen, backlight working, 1 PCMCIA plastic insert, no stylus and no
> other accessories. He also mentioned that he had not had many responses
> from the list so he may even have others for sale. He even packed it in
> a Mead nylon zipped case.

Well, if anyone else has such a deal I'd be interested. I am currently
researching handheld GUI / ROMs, as some of you know, in an attempt to
develop a more intuitive OS that hopefully will bear the heart of the
Newton. As my only Newton resource is my eMate I am considering a 2100
so I can truly get a more rounded perspective. I use my Visor rarely
and my Zaurus often. Actually I would say use is equally spread between
my eMate and my Zaurus. The end result will hopefully function on a
Linux based device (Sharp, Ipaq) Although I have been accepted as a
Tapware developer and that system looks promising as it also has a
flashable ROM. Only time will tell. : )

What is so endearing about that Newt?


Jim Siburt
New Media Design

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