From: Jim Witte (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 23:45:29 PDT
Back from lurk/vacation mode (furiously writing Scheme code for CS
and looking over *very* large text files [;-) private joke]) Just saw
that thread on the newtontalk archive. He was asking about a PCI card,
but I wonder if they make PC-Cards to do the same (and don't use
CardBus). True, writing a driver would be a real b#$@h, but it would
really be cool and absolutely knock the socks off anybody watching,
especially if animation could be gotten running in realtime (which is
certainly possible (I'll add that to my list of things to do once I
figure out how to use CopyBits..)
For the hardware techies out there: On the subject of CardBus..
CardBus is 32 bits while the Newton is only 16. Is that the only
reason CB is incompatible, or are there other parts of the CB spec that
are. Would it be possible (I'm not saying easy or feasible) to make a
hardware adapter that would take a CB card and convert it's signals to
something a 16-bit bus could understand? It would probably slower, and
it would probably need to incorporate a memory buffer of some kind, but
could it work in principle by bank-switching a 32-bit card's memory
space into two 16-bit spaces?
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