From: NewtonMP - Paul Curtis (
Date: Thu Apr 08 2004 - 20:32:49 PDT
Frank, baby,
I can help with your java woes. I'm working at Instantiations currently who
makes pretty awesome Eclipse/WebSphere plug-ins. CodePro Studio is a Java
development environment enhancement tool and our SWT/Swing GUI Builder is
the best Eclipse/WebSphere drag n drop tool on the market.
First check out Eclipse at and if this looks appealing to
you I'll cut you a license for our two products.
Paul Curtis
MP 120 v1.3/MP 120 v2.0/MP 130/MP 2100/MP 2100/MP 2100 (coming soon)
Go Green! Go White! Michigan State Spartans
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frank Gruendel
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Bashing Windows
> Just remember, it is much more effective to
> bash Windows _users_ than it is Windows itself.
> That way, they all get a warm feeling that you
> care about them and are much more susceptible to
> suggestion.
I'll never understand these discussions. I usually
use the platform that will allow me to do a job
either the fastest or the most painless way, preferably
both. That's why I have a WinNT PC, a Win2000 laptop,
an OSX Mac at work and a Sparc station next door. And I
have a PC and a Mac at home as well. Actually, three PCs and
two Macs. Plus, of course,
my beloved Palm 3 that is crappy as hell except for
its size. It fits into my trouser pocket and tells
me when I have a meeting. It even wakes me for meetings I
am not even aware of because my boss is smart enough
to set the reminder far enough in advance when a
meeting is scheduled in the morning. This being so because
all it takes to synchronize with the company standard
Outlook is pressing a button and getting another cup of
coffee during the 20 or 30 seconds it takes to synchronize all
my notes, addresses, emails, appointments and to dos.
As for the Newton, I just do not have this kind
of trouser pockets, and reliable synchronization? Hahaha.
I would never take my Palm along with me on vacation.
I've had it two times that the stupid thing forgot everything.
It can't do wireless, it can't handle cards, the backlight
is a joke. Nothing I'm prepared to put up with unless I
can restore things within an hour at most.
For vacations and short business trips, it
is strictly Newton.
I wish I had a decent OSX laptop at home. My Quadra
running OS9 is fine, but there are things OS X can
do better. Anybody wanna trade one for Newton stuff?
Has anybody ever had to develop java applications on
a Mac when OS 9 was state of the art? Apple's java
implememtation happily stalling at version 1.1.8
where the rest of the world was using 1.2.3? Where
the fonts and the whole GUI looked as if they had
just been processed by a shredder whereas on PCs and
Sparc stations the same code looked just dandy? Apple's
java support group consisting of about three people
of who one guy answered 99.9 percent of the world's
java questions for months?
Believe me, that makes you long for a PC where you
can open a DOS shell with a decent command line that'll
compile and run your java application in a breeze.
Every platform has its benefits and drawbacks. It is
just a matter of which jobs you need to get done that
make you decide which is the better option. I've never
been a command line fan, but remotely terminating a crashed process
from an altogether different UNIX machine takes 10
seconds and leaves the data of all the other processes that
are currently running perfectly intact in most cases.
Took 10 seconds even 15 years ago. Rebooting
a crashed Mac II took... well, let's say significantly
longer. Most people are paid for the work they get done, not
for the time they spend waiting for their computer to reboot.
I agree that Macs hardly ever crashed when Apple was still
entitled to shoot hardware and software developers who
didn't adhere to the strict standards Apple set. But these times
are long gone.
If I were allowed only one computer at work or at home,
I honestly don't know which one I would take.
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