From: Patrick Jendraszak (
Date: Sat Apr 17 2004 - 05:54:10 PDT
While on our weekly Friday evening ³dinner date,² my wife and I stopped in
at the local CompUSA to see if they had any deals on Apple iBooks. A
relatively young salesperson (18-20 years of age) came by and was trying to
get us to buy a refurbished iBook and sell our clamshell to him. Suddenly,
he spotted my Newton Calise case and my wife told him I was a Newton user.
The usual questions ensued ... ³Can I see it?² Then, once I opened the case,
³Can I hold it?² He couldnıt believe he was seeing a Newton. I let him draw
and write a note ... He was just smiling from ear to ear. ³How heavy is it?²
seemed to be his most important question and complaint. It seems he has a
Palm, so I asked him to pull it out. ³It must be in my coat pocket,² he
said. My wife explained that I donıt go anywhere without my Newton. I
mentioned something about the fact that it was very telling that although it
was smaller, he didnıt have his Palm with him! We satisfied his curiosity,
told him about newtontalk and where to buy a Newton, and then continued our
review of various computer gear. As I was leaving, the salesman must have
been on break because he was outside the store, sitting on a curb. He
spotted me in a distance and yelled out, ³ Goodbye Newton guy!² I canıt
believe it, but the Newton always draws amazement and admiration out of
-- Patrick Jendraszak Indianapolis, IN MP 2000u -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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