From: Alan Davis (
Date: Sat Apr 17 2004 - 18:37:38 PDT
I have never lost data on a 32MB card and I have three of them. Even when
one went bad a few months ago, I was able to do a backup off it and lost
nothing. Am I just lucky, or is the Newton just good, or both?!
We trained hard- but it seemed that every time we began to form up into
teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to
meet any new situation by reorganizing- and a wonderful method it can be for
creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency,
and demoralization.
Petronius Arbiter
210 B.C.
On 04/17/04 11:17 AM, "Oliver Brose" <> wrote:
>> From: Robert Benschop <>
>> Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 11:33:20 +0200
>> Which calls for the following question: what I understand from the
>> innards of the Newt and also explained here by David this extra memory
>> will only serve as storage, won't do any good for your Heap.
>> So why are we all choosing for extra memory? Understandable for an
>> eMate because it has only one slot, but for the 2x00? You can ad Flash
>> Memory up to 32 MB and ATA card at least up to 1 GB (!)
> Of course, but just how reliable are 32MB cards? What is the total price of
> the ATA solution, and how reliable is it? I stopped trusting big cards, and
> only use them for pkgs, but never data, which I keep on a 6MB card.
> Nevertheless, I need the space of my 16MB card for all the pkgs, so both
> slots are occupied, and once I want to backup a card or use WLAN I need to
> free a slot... but then I possibly need the data that's on that other card,
> but also a pkg that is on the inserted card.
> It takes much more organisation & shuffelling things around than just having
> 12MB internal. This would mean no more need for the 6MB card except for
> backup, one free slot, no card shuffle.
> Having more DRAM would be cool as well, but personally I really need reliable
> storage that makes things easier. Fresh FLASH also means that is has seen no
> cycles, so it enhances the lifespan of the unit.
> Oliver :)
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