[NTLK] Is my old PowerMac 6100 useful for Newton connectivity?

From: MKow1234_at_aol.com
Date: Tue Apr 20 2004 - 06:30:55 PDT

Hello everyone:

I found the recent postings about MSRP of early Macs to be quite
entertaining. I bought a PowerMac 6100 back in '95 for $500. Came loaded with some basic
apps, including Word, Quarx {sp?}, etc. It was a lot of money for a
struggling school teacher to shell out, but I guess I got off pretty cheap. ;O) I
used it for school projects, lesson plans, surfing the Internet (although the
external 28.8 modem was rather pokey).

The PowerMac is set up in my basement now, providing rudimentary gaming
entertainment for my nieces at holidays (Sometimes I play "Maelstrom" on it). It
enjoys a very tiny clock chip speed increase (going from 66 to 82 MHZ), runs OS
7.6.1 and has an external hard drive for a bit of extra storage breathing

I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to connect my Newton to this ancient
workhorse. Would there be any advantages to this, as opposed to running the
NCU to my PC desktop upstairs? In other words, are some Newton apps
friendlier to wrk with through the Mac? Did the PM 6100 come with an Ethernet card, or
would I have to add one? Should I get a Sonnet G3 upgrade card? Should I
just run the PowerMac 6100 over with my car? Any help would be greatly

Thanks in advance.

Matt K.

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