From: NewtonMP - Paul Curtis (
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 10:50:57 PDT
Fellow Newton Talker's,
In my quest to create something useful and fun from the Newtonian beginner
on up, with the Card Loaner Program for the America's and the forthcoming, I have had several Newton talkers come forward and offer
assistance. So I would like to thank them personally and publicly.
Frank Gruendel - Card Loaner Program Original, and Newton Hardware Fitness
Godfather. Frank has gone his usual extra mile with constant replies to my
neophyte questions about anything and everything with only the patience a
father would have. Not to mention he sent me a very nice Panache Stylus.
Thanks Frank for everything and of course everything to come!
Anil - Website assistance. Anil has generously agreed to assist me with
graphic design, palette selection and putting forward a professional look
and feel that's going to be easy to access and use. Many thanks Anil, I know
you're a very busy person and this will be greatly appreciated.
Dave Abramowitz - Website assistance, program automation. Not only is Dave
helping me with some joint development issues that will make future
Newtoning even easier than it is, he also got me to connect to my wireless
network at home! Now I need to figure out what to do with this connection?!
Dave, I can't wait to show the Newton world what we've got planned and your
program initiative. Thanks!
Luiz Petroni - Documentation assistance. Luiz has generously volunteered to
help me produce professional quality documentation for the Card Loaner
Program, including Newton screen shots, documentation layout, digital photos
and final format generation. What a huge help in an area that I need a lot
of help with both technically and work load! Huge thanks to you Luiz!
Victor Rehorst - His generous cooperation and contribution of the UNNA
Archives as the base to populate the Master Package Repository.
Victor, many thanks for your generous contribution!
Camillus Guhl, Doug Augustyn, Grant Hutchinson, James Nichols, Chris
O'Byrne, David Ensteness, Andrei Chichak, Peter Cameron, DJ Volkasko, Berthe
Wilumsen, John Charlton, Douglas Luckie - Everyone here has replied with
helpful suggestions and some who have just outright submitted ideas and
concepts to make better. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone
here! Thanks everyone, for all of your help!
Finally, I now have the need to recruit individuals to assist me with areas
of expertise that I don't have. If you are interested, please contact me
offline. These positions will require you to volunteer for at least 6 months
and will have no compensation other than the satisfaction of creating
something revolutionary for the Newton World!
Treasurer - Need to fill - Will manage the money thing. This will mostly
entail filing for "Not for Profit" and managing this status, governing the
Loaner Program transactions, monetary donations, fund raising and
determining fiscal guidelines. This person needs to be someone familiar with
American laws, but not necessarily American.
Curator for - Matt Kowalczyk - Will oversee the obtaining,
organizing and access to all media Newton related This will include such
things as Maps for GPS, Icons, Graphics, Sounds, Fonts, Books, music,
historical objects, etc. The collection will house original items as well as
links to already established collections. Also, you will provide a detailed
account/journal for each object to include usage scenarios,
descriptions/overviews, credit to owners/creators/donators and all else
This person will also be responsible for working with UNNA and original
software developers to maintain a repository of .pkg's for the purpose of
delivering Data Sets to members. The cross sharing of .pkg's
and their documentation with UNNA and developers.
Matt will be spearheading this mandate effective immediately! Matt,
thank-you and welcome aboard, I look forward to working with you on this
Director of Content & Documentation - Need to fill - Someone who will create
a documentation standard for describing, installing and using Newton .pkg's.
To create missing documentation for all Newton .pkg's, first with the Loaner
Program and then with all remaining .pkg's. This person will also be a
liaison to other groups like UNNA, Newton WikiWiki and others to share this
documentation freely throughout the Newton world. This person will also
create feature articles to post on on a regular basis.
As always thank-you for all of your contributions and assistance, and please
continue to let me know what you want to see from
Paul Curtis
MP 120 v1.3/MP 120 v2.0/MP 130/MP 2100/MP 2100/MP 2100 (coming soon)
Go Green! Go White! Michigan State Spartans
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