From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 01:51:49 PDT
Cheers to Doug, Marty and Karel for their replies to my serial stuff-question.
More specs and questions below - any pointers much appreciated.
>||what is the difference between the serial connector
>|| drivers "Fast Serial Conn" by Philz (1997) and "Serial
>|| 57600" (pre-2000)? How can I find out if the serial port
>|| on my desktop can handle more than 38400?
>Nothing that I am aware of...
Fast Serial doesn't work here with the serial set in the registry to 57600.
Serial 57600 does the job, though.
- From this I gather there *IS* a difference. What might that be?
Where does Serial 57600 originate from originally?
What is the max. speed for Fast Serial Conn by Philz?
Anybody using this successfully? At which speed?
>Your desktop serial port is probably fast enough to do
>230400, if it was make in the past 7 years.
How can I check this? What settings would the Registry need?
Which driver would enable such high transfer rates?
How fast can MP 130 or MP 2x00 transfer via serial, anyway
>Well, mine do work (2 UMP2000) -- more or less reliably -- at 230400.
>But only with unixnpi.
Karel, any chance this could be reproduced on a PC?
Which serial driver do you use on the Newton for this?
Could you perhaps possibly maybe please write a howto on that (e.g. create a
page for that linked off the UnixConnection page
I found mention of "ser1115200 and ser230400 packages", where could these
be found (and who created them and what's needed to make them work their mojo)?
The usually investigative best regards and everything,
yer ole man the 'Kasko
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