From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 10:42:12 PDT
Aux environs du 26/04/04 à 18:36 +0100, sous le titre "Re: [NTLK] So
Definately no NCU through AppleTalk in 10", Ronan Donohoe prit sa
plus belle plume pour écrire les mots suivants:
>I did indeed need to fire up the ethernet connection between the Newt
>and Mac in order for AppleTalk to be enabled.
>This "firing up" was done by using NCU to Connect to>Other Computer
>over an Ethernet Crossover Cable. (I dont have a router / hub thingie).
>The Newt's NBLookup Browser successfully finds my Mac but when I try to
>connect to it the connection times out and I get the message:
>"Dock: The connection was stopped because there was no response." or
>"Dock: The selected MacOS computer cannot be found on the network"
>(And I did all this under the 5 seconds)
Did you restart Classic as I suggested?
>So I suppose I now need to rephrase the basic question:
>Is there anyone out there with a new machine that came with 10.3 and is
>successfully connecting their Newt using NCU in Classic over Ethernet
>(AppleTalk) using just an Ethernet adapter and Crossover cable?
I don't have a new machine but I did it a lot of times with a
straight cable on my PowerBook Ti that came with 10.2.1. (A direct
cable works because my PowerBook is auto-sense). But yesterday, I had
the exact error you described and I needed to restart Classic. It
wasn't the first time.
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