From: Doug Augustyn (
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 08:58:37 PDT
I have some Ni-MH batteries that I use for my GameBoy Advance, and I recently
physically abused them in this manner, and now they have an added
usefull-life of about 2 hours than before the treatment.
I'm about to do my Newton Pack. I'm a little nervous about dropping it, so I
figure that I will just slam it against the counter for about 5 minutes or
so. My question is:
Should I discharge it completely before attempting this?
Responding to Andrei Chichak's comment:
||My Newton 2100 battery had a rough life, high tech R&D test mule, sitting
||in a lockup for 2 years, sitting in my basement for another 2 years,
||pressed into action. Useful life, about 20 minutes, it usually wouldn't
||make it through the night while sleeping. I smacked it into the floor a few
||times and gave it a good charge. No shoddy statistics on life yet, it has
||only been three days and it is still at full charge.
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