From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 13:47:45 PDT
>I have been using some of my spare time (between job interviews, etc.) to
>beef up the library of existing NewtonBooks, using text source files from
Project st
Bloody well brilliant, if I may say so! Most impressive, and an excellent
example of idle time well spent! (Hinting all other newbies... Jump in, the
water is nice! ;=} )
Regarding the time needed to edit etexts - with either Woody's
find-and-replace trick (search NTLK for zzzzz) or Dan's tutorial and the
parser that comes with it (mail him for improved R2 of the tutorial!)
you'll significantly reduce the time spent on formatting (can't believe how
much I did manually and how long each book took). And even if you work with
Press, using a RTF as master document will speed up things (Press
acknowledges page breaks, font choices and sizes, orientation and styles...
Only thing you have to do in Press is do the topic titles...). Check that out!
I'm right now having a whole bunch of, ahem, issues, some of them
technically and occasionally blowing here ("Thar he blows! No serial!"),
some tax-related (gotta get this mess outta my life!), some other projects
and jobs and stuff... But I'm gnawing my way through Bookmaker's dot
commands, and once I got this straight, expect me to deliver.
Until then, I shall remain as always,
yer obedient general dogsbody aboard of MS Newtonia,
DJ Vollkasko.
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