Re: [NTLK] Connecting to MP2100 with Lucent Silver

From: Alan Davis (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 04:21:46 PDT

You need to check use card for AppleTalk and use AppleTalk for your
connection in the Dock application. You also need to make sure that the
Lucent Driver is set to "ad hoc" mode. This is the computer-to-computer
networking mode for the WaveLan Driver. Hope this helps!

    We trained hard- but it seemed that every time we began to form up into
teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to
meet any new situation by reorganizing- and a wonderful method it can be for
creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency,
and demoralization.

                                             Petronius Arbiter
                                             210 B.C.

On 04/29/04 7:15 AM, "David Neale" <> wrote:

> I'm trying to make a connection from an iBook under Panther via an
> Airport to an MP2100, fitted with a Lucent Orinoco Silver PCMCIA card.
> When the card is inserted, the slip for the card shows that it is
> recognised. The driver is installed: LucentWaveLAN:Noguchi Version
> 1.05. The setup for the card has been carried out, as indicated at
> When Dock is set to "Connect via TCP/IP, "Connecting to the
> internet..." is displayed for a short time, and then Dock TCP/IP shows
> "NIE Error:
> Problem connecting. DHCP server unavailable or unable to configure this
> device."
> (using "Connect via TCP/IP.)
> When Dock is set to "Connect via AppleTalk" (AppleTalk checked in Sytem
> Preferences of MacOS) and either "Connect to Airport" or "Connect to
> other computer" is selected in Dock, the message "Select a Mac OS
> computer" nd "Looking for Mac OS computersŠ" appears, but none is found
> (waited for five minutes!).
> In a NewtonTalk message from 2002, John Skinner suggests to Chris
> Harding, "You also might try to freeze/remove any other ethernet card
> drivers that you may have." I'm not sure I have any (bought the MP a
> couple of weeks ago "as is" and have no idea what I should look for),
> but how does one "freeze" specific drivers?
> Help!
> David

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