Re: [NTLK] LPR Printer Driver Success!

From: Eckhart Köppen (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2004 - 13:55:52 PDT

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004 16:58:43 -0400, Michael Blazer wrote:
> Happy to try, but ... I only have Macs here. Can you tell me how to do
> that under Jaguar or Panther? (I'm not command-line literate, so if it
> involves using the, I'll need very explicit instructions.)

Ok, here you go :)

1. Open terminal
2. Type the following, but replace the with either your
printer's network name or IP address, and press return:

nc < /usr/share/doc/groff/1.18.1/examples/ 9100

3. There is no step three ;)

Things that can go wrong are either that the file is not on
your machine, or that you don't know the printer's address. Maybe
somebody else has a clever idea for that which does not involve
netstat, e.g. via Rendezvouz?


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