From: Rick Ludwig (
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 22:42:38 PDT
I think your Newton should be taken away and cared for by a foster
family until you can get your life straight again... =)
I haven't seen anything official, but it wouldn't be hard to make. You
might want to look into something like an old Clarinet case. Another
option, though it's not a hard case, you could look at something like a
nice padded sports bag or a camera bag. If you are REALLY ambitious, it
wouldn't take that much to design and assemble a hard case using wood
or sheet metal.
I once saw a prototype for a GoType! type keyboard for the Newton (so
you could turn it into a clamshell).
> Frank G. sold me a replacement digitizer/glass and
> the newt is working again - but I'm worried about things hurting it
> again.
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