From: Dan (
Date: Fri Aug 13 2004 - 10:48:32 PDT
> I know that NiCads have different characteristics than alkaline
> batteries, but could they really not work and damage the modem? I've
> never tried NiCads, preferring to only ever use Duracells in my Newton
> equipment. However, even Duracells never really worked. I wonder, do
> newer NiMH batteries have the same problems in this instance as NiCads?
> Interesting tidbit. Thanks for keeping me from destroying somebody's
> modem. ;-)
Yes they are a bit different. However both Nicads and Nimh have the
same part that I think that Apple warned about is 1.25 volts of Nicad
rather than 1.50 of a alakine or other throw away battery. I assume
that the 1.25 volts is not enough for the modem and can cause damage.
Not sure exactly why, but perhaps when it converts the 3v to 9v the
modem needs to use the phone line, with rechargables you come up a bit
short of the 3v to start with and perhaps that will damage it.
And you are welcome. ;)
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