From: karel Jansens (
Date: Sat Aug 14 2004 - 10:27:16 PDT
Simon Stapleton wrote:
> On 13 Aug 2004, at 16:34:47 +0200, Nicolas Zinovieff <>
> wrote:
>>- Mac OS X is _not_ fitted for embedded devices,
> Or pen interface. The only thing I've ever seen that _really_ works
> for pen interface is NOS.
Go's PenPoint wasn't bad. It's a shame it can't be open-sourced.
> <dream>
> Indeed. But I know quite a few graphic designers (and geeks, myself
> included) who would (insert heinous crime here) for a largeish (say A4)
> graphics tablet like the wacoms that they could walk around with and
> sketch on. Now Wacom have some tablets that can do most of this, but
> they have to be wired. If Apple can solve the bandwidth problem of big
> graphics over wireless, they would have something that sold like
> hotcakes, at least to the graphics people out there. If it could do
> some limited hwr as well, so much the better. 8", as per the 'leaked'
> stuff is about A5, IIRC, which isn't really up to snuff for graphics
> work, sadly, but might _just_ be do-able wrt bandwidth considerations
> (assuming a fast, dedicated, wireless connection)
> </dream>
You could always buy a second-hand Fujitsu Stylistic, install Linux on
it and use it as a mobile X-Terminal, running applications on a heavy
earth-bound server. The X protocols travel nicely over wireless, even
There is currently no decent Linux-based HWR though, but an
alternative would be to install Windows 2k, buy PenOffice and buy a
commercial X-server for Windows. PenOffice's HWR (which I can vouch
for is nice) will work for X apps that run in a Windows-based X-server.
It's not exactly your dream, but those things hardly ever 'come true
anyway. :)
Karel Jansens
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