Re: [NTLK] Powerbook and Newton

From: Sonya Hipper (
Date: Fri Aug 20 2004 - 14:12:56 PDT

Just to add in my own $.02 (and those are REAL AMERICAN COPPER,
er...copper-plated zinc...never mind :-P )...

I say go with the latest and greatest. The current batch of G4
Powerbooks, in particular (dunno about the iBooks as much, since I
haven't handled many G4 ones), are *QUIET*. You rarely, if ever, hear
the fan, the hard drives are the extra-quiet types...the only time I
hear my own (G4/867 12") is when I have a CD in the drive!

It gets a bit warm, but never uncomfortably so, on my denim-clad legs.

AND you get all the benefits of both the modern (NewtSync, Escale) and
"classic" utilities (NCU, Wildcat for PocketMoney, in my case run and
work dandy!), better architecture, faster CPU, etc etc etc. If you go
802.11 with your 2x00 Newt, you don't even need wires. With wires, you
only need an OSX-compatible Serial->USB adapter in addition to the
usual Newt cordage/dongle (assuming no SER-001 add-on).

I use my newt with my home and work desktops and my laptop routinely
and love it! I was just at Seybold taking notes and ObEx-ing 'em in
with Eck's brilliant Blunt/Nitro/Neo combo thru OS X's Bluetooth
file-exchange, which got me some stares, lemme tell you! (Incl. one
idiot who said something about..." there a charity or
something keeping those afloat?" I hope he had as easy a time
transcribing his handwritten notes into his computer as I had
bluetoothing them into mine! So, HAH!)


PS: as an aside to the developers on the list, could anyone find a way
to extend Dock and/or NewtSync to work over Bluetooth w/ Blunt? That
would rock my socks! (And they so need it...poor, glum things that they

PPS: Any developers out there looking at Tiger's (OS X 10.4's) Sync
Services as a way to maybe better integrate Newton syncing with OS X?
Just a thought... ;-)

     "I urge you all today, especially today during these
times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations
and to love each other without restraint. Unless you're into
leather. And then, by all means, use restraints."
                                                 —Margaret Cho

Sonya Hipper
AIM: SonyaLynn
Yahoo: thesonyalynn

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