From: Woody Smith (
Date: Sat Aug 21 2004 - 18:44:17 PDT
I have been following these discussions for some time and it seems that
there is no way to import or export through an OSX native application.
I use NCU in Classic.
I suspect that a work around would be to email from the Newton and open
in X.
On Saturday, August 21, 2004, at 08:09 PM, Dave Bellamy wrote:
> Hi All
> I have what will seem like a really dumb question. Other than using NCU
> through Classic, is there any other way to transfer rft or text files
> between the Newt and a Mac? I know that you can transfer very small
> Notes files with nSync but I was thinking more about larger word
> processing files. In a previous post about another topic, someone
> mentioned exchanging files via bluetooth. Are the 'files' text/ word
> processing files or packages and is that through OS9 or OSX?
> Thanks for any advice you can give
> Regards
> Dave
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