From: Dan (
Date: Thu Aug 26 2004 - 19:51:08 PDT
>>>would a USB to PC serial adapter, then a PC to Newton, then serial to
>>>interconnect dongle work? seems to be the cheapest option I have...
>>>or, how do I build my own cable? (remember, cheap college student
>>Yes, that should work.
> Can you bootstrap w/ windows? In that case, ordering the
> integrated-dongle PC serial cable from ($13) and finding
> someone with a win desktop is probably a lot cheaper.
Yes you can. However many new machines don't have the old serial port.
Some do, some don't. If you don't have a serial port then get the USB
adapter. And I would get the dongle preferable to integrated-dongle
cable if you don't already have a dongle. The reason being you can use
the dongle with a keyboard, print pack, and other accessories. The
integrated cable can only be used with the PC. Of course if you are
never going to use such accessories, and the cable is cheaper, go for that.
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