From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Mon Aug 30 2004 - 01:15:47 PDT
this already answers a question I had before.
So in this case I think it is very likely that you have a bad connection
between Keyboard-Dongle-NIC port. The connection between dongle and NIC port
is the most likely candidate because the NIC port is not that robust.
So the best solution would be to go for a SER-001 and maybe there is a
chance to re-solder the NIC port.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Steele Campbell
> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] MP2000u Not Recognizing the Keyboard
> Okay, update time.
> I fiddled around with the Newton and did, for a time manage to make
> the keyboard work, I was able to type a lengthy passage using it,
> however as soon as I turned the unit off and then on again, the
> keyboard would no longer work.
> Thinking to myself: "Hrmmm, perhaps it requires a restart to recognize
> the keyboard?"
> Well, I did just that and lo and behold, the Newton wouldn't power up.....
> Several resets later, I got the Newt up and running however no matter
> how hard I try and in what order I plug stuff in, nothing seems to
> happen. Is it perhaps a flaky serial port (however if I insert the
> dongle into the port it powers up the Newt).
> -St.
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