Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 12:35:25 PDT
Thanks for responding! The idea of a general fund to help developers is a
good one, but I was thinking more in terms of individual non-monetary
contributions: volunteer support.
It amazes me how many folks on this bulletin board have their hands out (with
Many of those asking questions have advanced degrees, and I know at least one
or two are PhD's! Even among those members without college degrees, we've
got a pretty bright bunch of folks on this bulletin board. It doesn't seem too
far a stretch to imagine many more members contributing their brain power to
help the Community.
Some suggestions:
Write persuasive letters to encourage ex-developers and programmers to
continue development work on their Newton software titles. Write articles, convert
eBooks, experiment and develop hardware enhancements, etc. Personally, I
would like to see some contemporary political articles converted to eBooks
(Anybody have a text document of the 911 Commission Report?) I would also like
somebody to find out once and for all whether or not a microphone can be built into
the eMate device. I'd like to see folks help track down former developers
that created rudimentary educational software, to see if these could be developed
further. I would like to see an expansion of the current Newton collection
of maps. I'm sure many of you can think of valid ideas for the Newton
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