[NTLK] Landware QuickNamesPro vs. iambic ActionNames? [was Re: [NTLK] landware closes 9th]

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 08:55:56 PST

At 14:59 02.02.04, you wrote:
>Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 23:43:32 -0800
>From: "Bruce E. Durocher II" <bedii_at_qwest.net>
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] landware closes 9th
> I ordered several packages from them, and all have been extremely
>worthwhile. QuickNamesPro is allowing me to get my Names file in order
>for the first time ever!

Hmh, how does QuickNamesPro and ActionNames differ? What's so hot about
QuickNames Pro, what lets it do you that you couldn't have done before?


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