[NTLK] Jaguar v. Panther->Was Bad guys use PCs

From: Nathan Turnage (nturnage_at_andadv.com)
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 09:31:06 PST

-Laurent Daudelin wrote:
-> I don't think so. Except for some parts of the Finder, I found 10.3
to be as
-> snappy as 9 in all other areas. And this is on a PowerBook G3 at
500MHz, not
-> a G4. I have a PowerMac G4 also running at 500MHz and I can't
perceive any
-> difference in the responsiveness of the OS in general. I don't think a G4
-> offers such a big increase in performance, MHz for MHz...

I don't agree. I have a Quicksilver 733, and I have noticed huge
perceptible gains in Panther. The finder, apps, mail, you name it. The
whole OS is snappier, not quite like )S9 is on the same machine, but
snappier all the same. I had almost given up the Mac platform because of
the dog-ass slowness of Jaguar. I felt like I was working underwater;
everything was sooo sluggish. Now I am gushing over Panther, hands-down
the best OS apple has ever released (besides NOS 2.1 of course). Now if
they would just scale it down and put it on a paperback sized tablet...


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