Re: [NTLK] [OT] Wala, Voila

From: Alan Davis (
Date: Sat Feb 14 2004 - 12:54:08 PST

Shoot! You're right. I meant the exclusitive conjunction. ;-)

(He typed-- partially making things up.)

    We trained hard- but it seemed that every time we began to form up into
teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to
meet any new situation by reorganizing- and a wonderful method it can be for
creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency,
and demoralization.

                                             Petronius Arbiter
                                             210 B.C.

On 02/14/04 11:32 AM, "Eric Engle" <> wrote:

> --- Alan Davis <> wrote:
>> You also forgot: Wala- the Arabic form of the intransitive "or."
>> or maybe: Wala- the first and second portions of a city in Washington
>> State, USA.
>> I usually get upset about people flaming other people's grammer and spelling
>> online, but done this eloquently, who can resist!
> Sorry, I only speak indo-european. Semitic and Hamitic languages, even Altaic
> languages, to say nothing of Turkic languages are not planned for this release
> and are unsupported.
> Though I must ask, how can a conjunction be intransitive? As I learned it only
> verbs can be transitive or intransitive.
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