From: Berthe M. Willumsen (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 13:25:26 PST
Jon Wright wrote april 2003 ((my experience in double parentheses)):
Once again I turn to the collective wisdom of the list. I now have an
"Orinoco Gold"((Awaya)) wireless card in a N2K. I have a white airport (not
extreme) which is serving ethernet and wireless hosts on the same
virtual network. My main server is on the ethernet side. For the
purpose of discussion I also have a laptop on the wireless side.
Picture: Server ((ADSL->Router->switch))
With WEP turned off altogether (on the Newt, Powerbook and the Airport)
everything((things)) works. I can talk to NCU or Escale OSX on the
server and the
powerbook((only Escale tried)).
Now turn on WEP (40 bit) on the airport, fix the password on the
powerbook and add a hex key to the Newton. Ain't nothing goin nowhere.
Try WEP (128 bit) on the airport, fix the password and a new (very
long) hex key. Now some things work:
* Connect to NCU/Escale on the powerbook are OK
* Appletalk search (from the Newton) can see the server and the
... Stuff that won't work for Jon....
- Thanks Jon
So far, close to what I experience:
Change Airport to: 128 WEP
Escale prefs: set to port 3679 and TCP/IP
Newton Card setup: set to 128WEP (all hex strings)
Dock: TCP7IP (prefs: manual setting: address from airport,
port 3679, link: Ask)
hit connect in Dock - yey, Escale is connected to my Newton!
Try Powerbook as keyboard: Veeerryyyy slow... crash upon
keyboard-stop. Newton restarts.
Try again: Install package started on powerBook: nothing happens.
Newton looks inviting, the three icons : install package, keyboard
and syncronize. I tap install package and can see the contents of my
powerbook! I find the package, the progression bar shows up on the
Newton. Closes with an error: - 28009, but no restart required.
But the package transferred.
Try again, now with Dock prefs set to Use ZeroConf: Yes, the
PowerBook (PB) comes up in the server list, Escale acknowledges
connection. Hit syncronize on PB side: Icon lights up - nothing
happens on Newt side, Tap syncronize on Newt side .. Error -28009. I
wonder if the transferred package works. It was 'What error?',
supposed to display the explanation - no explanation for this one.....
Nethopper activated (this is slower than I thought....): connection!
Some known pages downloaded. Close.
In/Out opened. I change my mind, want Notes open: Object System error; -48221.
Notes continue to give this error. Names OK; select name, mail it -
mail sucessful!
Notes still -48221. Soft reset. Notes can now open again....
NOW mail a note using DHCP not manual IP address: Works (I wonder if
this test does what I think it does...).
NOW: Newt Conn Util in Classic open, pref changed to Appletalk...
On Newton: Card slip, the Use for Appletalk box cheked.
In OSX Sys pref: appletalk box checked.
On Newt: Dock open, set for TCP tap connect with NCU in Classic in
front: On Newton, nothing in the 'choose a server' Box. In Classic:
No activation of NCU.
- Can this work?
Now Try Escale again, On Newt: Dock open, set for TCPIP, tap connect
with Escale in front, On Newton, PB in the 'choose a server' Box
(yes!), select, tap connect, Escale lights up, Newton shows 'Dock*:
Install package, Syncronize, Keyboard.
Tap Keyboard on Newt: get information on Newt on stopping keyboard
input, say OK. Open Notes, tap New: Error: A connection error has
occurred (-4). On PB: Escale has unexpectedly quit: do I want to make
a report to Apple? I copy the information and store it.
- Enough.
Take home message: Some things work with WEP 128 that don't with WEP
40. Send mail, f.ex, and Hethopper connection. Not much that has
anything to do with syncronizing. NewtSync, with port 15552 set
manually in Dock, did not connect - could not find server. With Dock
prefs set to Use ZeroConf, no servers show up in server box. Bummer.
Any hitns, anyone?
The errors, are they informative? If yes, do they inform about the
connection or the OSX-application or the Newt?
-- Berthe Denmark, MP2100 -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: Official Newton FAQ:
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