From: Jim Witte (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 21:03:43 PST
The humorous thread on 'Newton shortage' got me thinking: how many
broken eMates are floating around out there, that have succumbed to the
hinge problem? How much demand would there be for a replacement
display cable, or are there big cachets of broken eMates somewhere that
could be bought on the cheap?
(A *very* interesting solution that comes to mind is to replace the
ribbon cable entirely with a digital cable - I'm sure that cable can go
out in time in other ways than being punctured). This would require a
one multiplexer/demultiplexer chip at each end, which there might not
be room for - although I have heard there's a lot of empty space in the
eMate due to it's rugged design. Whether you could get people to pay
$60-$80 for such a beast [when a bare eMate alone is only worth about
$100-150] is another matter..)
Jim Witte
Indiana University CS
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