Re: [NTLK] Some Project Ideas for Idle Hands

From: Jesse Garnier (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 12:34:10 PST


Without indicting the signal-to-noise ratio on this list, I can say in
the several years I've participated in NewtonTalk, I've seen remarkably
generous contributions of time and effort from some of the most gifted
and talented members of our Newton community, both to things they have
themselves created (for us), and for things they had nothing to do with
at all. There are a lot of Newton heroes on this list and I thank them all.

Having said that, you may at least want to try to empathize with
long-time members of this list who have seen (and answered) the same
questions countless times, some of which (but not all) are answered with
even a cursory reading of the Newton FAQ. Not to say the FAQ is perfect,
by any means, but understand that it is time-consuming to maintain (and
again, is managed by some of the same time-starved Newton experts who
basically donate their time and skills to the Newton community). I've
recently rejoined the list in any kind of active capacity, but when I
can I try to answer basic questions, if for no other reason to have
another (hopefully) clear answer to be stumbled across in the archives.

I, for one, really like the concept of tutorials and walk-throughs, and
would be happy to help get such an effort started and organized. I'm
thinking in terms of building an engine that could manage and publish
tutorial content contributed by others, rather than just building it...
A fishing pole, not a fish... Basically a content management system.

I think we could pick a handful of issues to start (from getting
connected to a PC or Mac, to configuring wireless Internet, to some of
the very questions you posed in your message). Understand that any such
effort would be purely volunteer-based, and would be subject to time

We're a group of individuals dedicated to a dead platform. We do what we
can. The platform is now what we make it, and nothing more. We should
all ask not what the Newton can do for us, but what we can do for the

Jesse Garnier
* Now playing on ::radiofreenewton:: Nirvana - Pennyroyal Tea
* Listen live on your Newt at wrote:
> After reading all of the flotsam and jetsom of the past few issues (of this digest), I am convinced that many of you have too much time on your hands.  
 > (snip)
> I know I seem bitchy, but I am trying to get up-to-speed and make the most of my Newts.  It is really frustrating to search and ask questions, only to get vague replies.  This is not always the case, but quite often, it is.  I'll continue to do my best to respond and contribute when and where I can.
> Thank you.
> Matt K.
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