Re: [NTLK] [OT] apple blah blah balh was (Build Your Own Newton)

From: Martin Joseph (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 13:41:39 PST

On Feb 24, 2004, at 1:28 PM, Norman Palardy wrote:

> On Feb 24, 2004, at 2:02 PM, Jared Bland wrote:
>> The only problem is, Woz was/is about "using the least amount of chips
>> while having the most features" (not verbatim).
Woz is a genius.
>> That's hardly what
>> Steve Jobs is about. I'd keep Stevie J. any day of the week.
Steve is a different kind of Genius
>> Sculley
>> is the only person who kept Apple pure at its core while pumping up
>> the
>> Macintosh's marketshare through ADVERTISING.
Definitely not a genius. Most of his success was due to the work of
the above two guys and the timing of the role out of Mac plus, which
eliminated the biggest complaints regarding mac (no Hard drive
interface (duh) and no easy memory expandability(see previous duh)).
Customers who already loved mac, suddenly had a great reason to buy
lots of new ones.
>> We need Sculley back.
>> Once that happens, there will be an influx of products, ads and cheese
>> - because no coming-back party is complete without the power of
>> cheese.
Not a good idea. Except for the cheese. We like cheese.
> The only Scully I want back is Dana

I agree with Norman completely on this one....


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