[NTLK] Updates on www.dumbstart.com

From: Jack Burks (dumbstart_at_satx.rr.com)
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 14:20:02 PST

I've just uploaded the latest version of Rush Hour, now with soup support to
keep you from having to start over every time you reset your Newton. I've
also added 8 additional levels (bringing it to a total of 20) while added in
a few internal updates to increase the overall speed of it.

Check out Rush Hour as well as my other projects Planks, the Newtonscript
Tutorial, Switch It, and a few Newtendo roms.


Also, thanks to all who have submitted sites to the Newton section of the
www.dmoz.org <http://www.dmoz.org/> .


Jack Burks

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List FAQ/Etiquette/Terms: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/

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